Therefore, if you plan to run mailing campaigns, you must do it from addresses that are in your company's domain . kontaktnazwatwojejfirmy.pl. Carrying out such activities from addresses in public domains, such as . gmail, may result in your messages being considered suspicious and being sent straight to the spam folder by the recipient's inbo. Contact us and find out how we break the ceilings in ecommerce! Companies that send more than , messages a day to Gmail accounts must meet particularly stringent conditions: Email authentication with SPF and DKIM on your domain sending domains or IP addresses must have valid DNS records, a connection secured with the TLS protocol must be used to send messages,
Postmaster Tools spam rate must be kept below . messages must be formatted according to the Internet standard RFC , impersonating other people in the "From:" header in Gmail can affect mail delivery. The domain in the "From:" header of the sender Middle East Mobile Number List must match the SPF or DKIM domain, the mail from which messages are sent should have DMARC authentication set in the sending domain, Marketing and subscription messages must allow for oneclick unsubscription and must include a clearly visible unsubscribe link in the body of the message. Only by meeting all of the above criteria will you be sure that emails from your campaigns will safely reach your recipients' inboes.
Keep up with email marketing trends! Join the league of SEO, Content & SEM champions! Check the offer! What eactly do you need to take care of The above list of requirements may seem a bit overwhelming, especially to people who are not eperienced in the more technical aspects of email marketing. So what do you need to take care of in to ensure that your messages always reach their intended recipients Make sure that you use an email address registered to your own domain to manage your email campaigns , for eample kontaktyourorganization.pl, and that all campaigns are sent from this address. If you don't have your own domain yet, be sure to register it. In your email marketing .